This weeks lesson had a strong spiritual influence. I wanted the young women to take home a core value from this lesson - treat others as you would like to be treated.
A quick recap of the lesson I had planned. I used pictures (of young women from different countries to show that they may look different, but they are all the same in the eyes of God), a story (about a girl who befriended a girl who was all alone), discussion questions (knowing the worth of someone, would you want to make even one person feel that he or she is not of worth?), and an activity (getting the girls to write their name and the top of a piece of paper and pass it to their right around in a circle until it comes back to them with nice things that every person in the class has written on the same piece of paper). In the moments of preparing this lesson I truly felt that this activity of preparing sunday school really does influence the young women to be the best they can be. The things I teach my girls in sunday school will hopefully stay somewhere in their memories forever, so it important to invest the best of myself and personal judgement into what I teach these young women who will grow up to be their own unique person.
T.F. Green definition of work sum's up my occupation as a Sunday school teacher - "Work: Activity producing an enduring object. Work requires self-investment, skill, craft and personal judgement. Work is purposeful and meaningful. Work is distinct from labour and often must be discovered indepently from one's job."
Another quote that expresses how I feel about teaching Sunday school is from a story by Larry Lawhorn - "The love and the pride that humans put into thier hands as they work on intrinsically motivated projects is what OT is all about."
I love preparing to and teaching Sunday school. It challenges me and leaves me with a sense of achievement and satisfaction.
Please find bellow my responses to four other student blog posts:
Green, T. (1968). Work, Leisure, and the American Schools. New York: Random House.
Lawhorn, L. (1994). Just a little christmas story. Occupational journal. USA
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Service in the Community
Service - The act of helping or doing work for someone. An act of assisstance.
When I found out the topic for this lesson I went straight to the lesson manual and read through the material. I found a number of good participation activities such as getting the young women to create their own community by drawing an outline of the north island, and getting the girls to write up what they thought was a part of their community e.g. schools, health services, etc. I decided I'd use some discussion questions as well such as why they think it is important as members of the church to give service in their communities. My husband also gave me the fantastic idea of applying the work that superheros do to service. In was planning to show different clips of superheros from some of the lattest films, and quiz the girls on how they were serving following the clips. For example, I would show a scene from the film 'Hancock' staring Will Smith giving service by assissting keepers of the peace (police), a clip of Superman protecting his city, and Captain America defending his country. My husband and I thought this might be a good way of keeping the young women interested in the lesson. To end my lesson I thought I would share a story from the lesson manual, a team building game, and a quote from a church leader.
In relation to ambience and aesthetics I was able to establish a sense of meaning of the word service in this context, and an opportunity for service within the community was apparent.
Here is a clip of members of our church giving service in a community in California. Helping hands is a world wide Mormon event that occurs annualy. If you want to see more you can check out more youtube clips by searching Mormon helping hands, and a number of helping hand projects from all over the world will appear. Enjoy!
Definition of service. Retrieved October 2, 2011 from,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=d9f40c6ce565c41d&biw=1366&bih=518
Mormon helping hands. (2011). Retrieved October 2, 2011 from
When I found out the topic for this lesson I went straight to the lesson manual and read through the material. I found a number of good participation activities such as getting the young women to create their own community by drawing an outline of the north island, and getting the girls to write up what they thought was a part of their community e.g. schools, health services, etc. I decided I'd use some discussion questions as well such as why they think it is important as members of the church to give service in their communities. My husband also gave me the fantastic idea of applying the work that superheros do to service. In was planning to show different clips of superheros from some of the lattest films, and quiz the girls on how they were serving following the clips. For example, I would show a scene from the film 'Hancock' staring Will Smith giving service by assissting keepers of the peace (police), a clip of Superman protecting his city, and Captain America defending his country. My husband and I thought this might be a good way of keeping the young women interested in the lesson. To end my lesson I thought I would share a story from the lesson manual, a team building game, and a quote from a church leader.
In relation to ambience and aesthetics I was able to establish a sense of meaning of the word service in this context, and an opportunity for service within the community was apparent.
Here is a clip of members of our church giving service in a community in California. Helping hands is a world wide Mormon event that occurs annualy. If you want to see more you can check out more youtube clips by searching Mormon helping hands, and a number of helping hand projects from all over the world will appear. Enjoy!
Definition of service. Retrieved October 2, 2011 from,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=d9f40c6ce565c41d&biw=1366&bih=518
Mormon helping hands. (2011). Retrieved October 2, 2011 from
Service in the Church
The purpose of this lesson was to teach the young women about how the church was organised and established on the earth, who helped organise it, and what they went through to make that possible.
In preparing this lesson I focused on communicative and productive relationships afforded by the work I was doing. According to Hagedorn (2000), affordance is "anything which the environment can offer the individual which is pertinent to the role challenge and can facilitate role competence".
The first I encountered upon was the primary relationship I have with the young women I teach. This is the relationship of teacher/pupil. I wanted to make sure the information I was obtaining for the lesson was factual and beneficial to the young women. I considered the sacrifice I had made to be able to prepare and teach this lesson. The sacrifice was time, and this is the small sacrifice I will need to pay to continue planning to teach Sunday school. As for the affordance factor of how preparing a lesson can be done in relation to an individual or as a group. I tend to prepare the lesson on my own, but at times may ask my husband for any input he may have or good ideas for games and so forth.In the lesson itself I used a range of discussion questions, quotes from present and past church leaders, I decided I would use a DVD of the pioneers of the church, a game that I had made up (snakes and ladder idea but instead of snakes I used the trap of laziness and instead of ladders I used clouds for the girls to jump up when they had given some sort of service in the church), I also decided to leave time for any experiences the girls wanted to share about giving service in the church.
Hagedorn (2000). Tools for Practice in Occupational Therapy: A Structured Approach to Core Skills and Processes. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Hagedorn (2000). Tools for Practice in Occupational Therapy: A Structured Approach to Core Skills and Processes. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Marriage Standards
In preparing this lesson I first referred to the lesson manual and read over what was to be covered. Everything seemed to be quite plain and to the point. Now as the last lesson I taught, the topic wasn’t very applicable to my 12 & 13 year old girls which always makes it a harder to teach.
In relation to ergonomics and the task of preparing this lesson, I had to take into account the age of the group I would be presenting to, the time available (30-40 mins), the relationship this lesson topic had to the girls personal timeline, place in the environment (class room at church), and the spirituality of the setting and affect the lesson would have on the girls internal motivations and individual values.
On account of age I decided to introduce the lesson with a story about a badminton player who was looking for a partner to play as a duo. I thought by giving a scenario the girls could relate to would help them understand the importance of choosing a partner for life. The next ergonomic factor to consider was the time frame available. Whenever planning a lesson I always plan to go longer than the time allocated. It’s much easier to round up a lesson if about to go overtime, but trying to make the lesson last longer is a bit trickier. In relation to the girls personal timeline, marriage is a fair way off, never the less it is good to have some idea of what you want in the person you’d like to be with in the future. In taking this into account, an activity I incorporated into the lesson, was for the girls to make a list of the characteristics they would like to see in their future husbands. The environment I had to teach in was a class room with a black board, a large window, a table for me to put my resources on, and enough seats for my class of nine to sit on. Finally, in my last connection to ergonomics, the spiritual side I took into account when preparing this lesson was whether these young woman would be able to, when the time comes, choose a partner that would respect and help make and keep them as happy as they can be. All I want is the best for these girls, they deserve it.
Wedding Rings. Retrieved October 2, 2011 from,r:9,s:125&tx=109&ty=37
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Dating Decisions
This weeks lesson was on dating decisions. In preparing this lesson I took highly into account one of our church values, which is that youth should not be dating until they are 16 years of age. This allows time for an individual to grow and mature before entering the dating scene. Hopefully church values and morals are accepted by youth at this age and a stronger sense of who they are and the person they really want to date is established.
One of the first things I did when getting ready to start preparing this lesson, was get myself into a comfortable position to read through the lesson outline in the young womens manual. My chosen space was my bed. I lay down with a bunch of pillows under my head The resources I had to help me prepare this lesson were as follows:
Now 12-13 yr old girls don't really want to talk about this kind of stuff with their Sunday school teacher, so I decided to incorporate a technique that would relax the teaching envrionment - food. I decided I'd take some pop-corn for the girls to pass around in a circle to help open the girls up to sharing thier thoughts on dating. I also made up an idea for a dating game in which I would ask the girls one at a time to tell me what they would do if they were in a sticky date situations. Some of the dating scenario were - "If a boy you don't know asks you to dance, what do you say?" , or "If a boy you've been on a couple of dates with leans in for a kiss, how would you react?". Real cute and simple stuff like that. The girls love games, and learn sometimes more from them.
The girls absolutely loved it. They were laughing and gigling and really opening up to the awkward topic of dating. I loved teaching this lesson. I felt relaxed and confident with what I was teaching, and was happy with the end result - smiling faces leaving the room.
One of the first things I did when getting ready to start preparing this lesson, was get myself into a comfortable position to read through the lesson outline in the young womens manual. My chosen space was my bed. I lay down with a bunch of pillows under my head The resources I had to help me prepare this lesson were as follows:
- standard exercise book
- Young Womens Lesson Manual
- pen
- highlighter
- Young Womens Personal Progress book (achievement book for girls in the young womens programme)
Now 12-13 yr old girls don't really want to talk about this kind of stuff with their Sunday school teacher, so I decided to incorporate a technique that would relax the teaching envrionment - food. I decided I'd take some pop-corn for the girls to pass around in a circle to help open the girls up to sharing thier thoughts on dating. I also made up an idea for a dating game in which I would ask the girls one at a time to tell me what they would do if they were in a sticky date situations. Some of the dating scenario were - "If a boy you don't know asks you to dance, what do you say?" , or "If a boy you've been on a couple of dates with leans in for a kiss, how would you react?". Real cute and simple stuff like that. The girls love games, and learn sometimes more from them.
The girls absolutely loved it. They were laughing and gigling and really opening up to the awkward topic of dating. I loved teaching this lesson. I felt relaxed and confident with what I was teaching, and was happy with the end result - smiling faces leaving the room.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
My Chosen Activity: Preparing to teach Sunday School
My chosen occupation is teaching sunday school to 12-13yr old girls. I find it challenging at times to make the lessons interresting for the girls, but at the same time I love being a teacher because it pushes me both spiritually and mentally (to be creative). The first lesson was a success which set me off to a great start at being the 'new' teacher. There is no limit as to how long you are assigned to be a teacher at church, could be anywhere from a few weeks to a number years. I have found that the girls, being typical teenages enjoy activities/games more than the essential lesson doctrine itsef, so it is important to apply both into each lesson so that the girls go away having learned something of worth and wanting to come back next sunday for more.
The most recent class I have taught was on Sunday 4 September. The lesson was on avoiding dishonesty. I taught this class to a slightly larger group of girls as this was a combined lesson with girls aged 12-17yrs. As a side note, there are three main age groups in the Young Womens Programme at church:
The class went well. It was a little nerve racking as the teachers of the other two young women groups were there also, but I feel the lesson went o.k and benefited the girls spiritual learning in a positive way.
The most recent class I have taught was on Sunday 4 September. The lesson was on avoiding dishonesty. I taught this class to a slightly larger group of girls as this was a combined lesson with girls aged 12-17yrs. As a side note, there are three main age groups in the Young Womens Programme at church:
- Beehives 12-13yr (this is my main young womens class)
- Mia Maids 14-15yrs
- Laurels 16-17yrs
The class went well. It was a little nerve racking as the teachers of the other two young women groups were there also, but I feel the lesson went o.k and benefited the girls spiritual learning in a positive way.
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Tutorial Eight: Assistive technology
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Tutorial Seven: Linking to blogs of interest and exchanging comments
I have linked to 5 blogs of interest that are related to occupational therapy practice. I have also linked to a fellow student and made a comment on one of her blog postings. Here is a copy of the communication between myself and other students...
- Milly said...
- Very inspirational videos and well related to ot! I like :)
- 12 April 2011 18:19
- laura1 said...
- Thanks Milly!! I agree they are so interesting to watch aren't they?
- 12 April 2011 18:20
- Rachael said...
- wow that first video clip with the father and son competing in a tryathalon is amazing. I had a lump in my throat the whole way through it. truly amazing. Thank-you for sharing that. Otago Student :)
- 6 May 2011 20:45
- Yasmin Barker said...
- I've got that same video on my video bar! It is definitely a goodie. Makes you feel like you can achieve anything.
- 11 May 2011 00:32
Tutorial Six: The internet and online communities
The topic I have chosen to focus on from my fieldwork experience is poeple with down syndrome. Below are three online communities that are related to this topic...
Down is a site to help make communities more informed and accomodating to those with downsyndrome. This website is a place where people can interact with friends, share stories, get the word out about inportant issues, and even share photo's of their loved ones...
"The mission of the National Down Syndrome Society is to be the national advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome" (ndss, 2011). This website offers a wide range of information. From topic such as healthcare guidelines and growth charts, to early intervention and family issues. It is also a society that has no registry fee.
The goals of Down Syndrome Community are to:
- Build a caring, understanding, supportive community open to all individuals and families whose lives include a person with Down syndrome.
- Share and nurture a climate where every human being is recognized, their strengths appreciated, and their accomplishments respected and valued.
- Strengthen the network of individuals and groups working with issues affecting the lives of those with developmental disabilities and their families.
February 2011 | 2/19 Saturday Time: 5:00-8PM | Highland Community Center 14224 Bel-Red Road Bellevue, WA Contact: Sean King, 425-228-3391 | |
March 2011 | 3/1 Tuesday 7 PM | Board Meeting (Open to all members) | Pacific Market Center 6100 4th Avenue South Seattle WA 98108 |
March 2011 | 3/2 Thursday 3/21 Monday | | |
April 2011 | 4/16 Saturday 9AM-3PM | Blackriver Training & Conference Center |
Potential ethical issues that may arise are issues such as the use of personal information and pictures. There is no protection of what is posted by the users. It is all there at the worlds disposal.
n.a. (2011). Down syndrome. Retrieved May 11, 2011 from
n.a. (2011). ndss. Retrieved May 11, 2011 from
n.a. (n.d.) Down syndrome community. Retrieved May 11, 2011 from
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Tutorial Five: Video Production Sessions
Youtube is "a popular free video sharing web site which lets users upload, view, and share video clips, the service utilizes Adobe Flash technology to display video. The wide variety of site content includes movie and TV clips and music videos, as well as amateur content such as videoblogging."
In my feildwork experiences thus far I have the opportunity to work in paediatrics, and with a local youth group. One thing that has been of great enjoyment and importants to the students and clients is sport. This is a youtube video of Jason McElwain who suffers from autism ripping it up on the court...
Opportunities to participate in music programmes are also becoming a popular way of getting a number of non-verbal student and clients to express themselves and participate as part of a group. Dr Laz has found a way to create a learning environment catered to all of his students and learning needs, and has employed his musician skills to achieve this...
Making sure disabled loved ones have the proper care is essential to maintaining a happy life for both the child and family. This is a video on short term shared care with the families of the children, and their carers...
To end this blog I wanted to share two of my favourite youtube clips of people with disabilites doing what they love with the assistance of others to make it that much more special. The clips are inspirational reminders to me that dreams can truly become a reality and that anything is possible...
Net pedagogy portal (2006). Retrieved March 30, 2011 from
In my feildwork experiences thus far I have the opportunity to work in paediatrics, and with a local youth group. One thing that has been of great enjoyment and importants to the students and clients is sport. This is a youtube video of Jason McElwain who suffers from autism ripping it up on the court...
Opportunities to participate in music programmes are also becoming a popular way of getting a number of non-verbal student and clients to express themselves and participate as part of a group. Dr Laz has found a way to create a learning environment catered to all of his students and learning needs, and has employed his musician skills to achieve this...
Making sure disabled loved ones have the proper care is essential to maintaining a happy life for both the child and family. This is a video on short term shared care with the families of the children, and their carers...
To end this blog I wanted to share two of my favourite youtube clips of people with disabilites doing what they love with the assistance of others to make it that much more special. The clips are inspirational reminders to me that dreams can truly become a reality and that anything is possible...
Net pedagogy portal (2006). Retrieved March 30, 2011 from
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Tutorial four: Video production
I was away when this tutorial was held but was able to link to the film that the girls made via Sarah's blog...
Tutorial four - Video production
Tutorial four - Video production
Tutorial Three: Blog Creation Tasks
In this tutorial I set up my accounts with Google, Blogger and Flickr.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Tutorial Two: Digital Imaging
Some of the hardware and software I am familiar with related to digital imaging are as follows...
+ less costly than film based camera's
+ easy to use
+ compact
+ immediate picture appearant on screen
+ numerous storage of pictures
+ pictures are less likely to be damaged as they are all on a memory card
+ data can be sent via internet
- more prone to loss of data
- has to be handled with delcate care
- like all electrical appliances needs a source of power
- because pictures are digital there is less sentimental value on photos
Ethical issues when capturing and distributing digital images
Privacy - Consent of person, copyright of people and objects in the background, and ownership of the actual photo.
Digital imaging in ocupational therapy practice
The example I will be using is from my first field work placement. This was to show the progress of the students in a paediatric setting.
Pictures are taken for housing modifications for those ocupational therapists working in community rehibilatation.
Photos of clients may be required in their client/medical files.
Haines, C. (2009). Neon Dreams. Retrieved March 30, 2011 from
Film, design and VFX studio. (2010). Umeric. Retrieved March 30, 2011 from
- stored via memory cards, usb sticks, external hard drives, c.d's
- manipulated via photoshop, photo editing software, paint programme
- windows movie maker
- video camera's
- distribution of images
Digital camera - pluses and minuses
+ less costly than film based camera's
+ easy to use
+ compact
+ immediate picture appearant on screen
+ numerous storage of pictures
+ pictures are less likely to be damaged as they are all on a memory card
+ data can be sent via internet
- more prone to loss of data
- has to be handled with delcate care
- like all electrical appliances needs a source of power
- because pictures are digital there is less sentimental value on photos
Ethical issues when capturing and distributing digital images
Privacy - Consent of person, copyright of people and objects in the background, and ownership of the actual photo.
Digital imaging in ocupational therapy practice
The example I will be using is from my first field work placement. This was to show the progress of the students in a paediatric setting.
Pictures are taken for housing modifications for those ocupational therapists working in community rehibilatation.
Photos of clients may be required in their client/medical files.
Haines, C. (2009). Neon Dreams. Retrieved March 30, 2011 from
Film, design and VFX studio. (2010). Umeric. Retrieved March 30, 2011 from
Monday, 21 March 2011
Tutorial One: Information Technology and Ethical Issues
Introducing my first blog post...
Information Technology (IT) is "the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information" (wordnet search). In other words, the inteligence that links the world to one another.
Technology is all around us in the year 2011. Student's watch lectures online with an audio file to listen to. People can do all their weekly grocery shopping online and have in delivered to their homes withtin the hour. Cellphones, ipods, electronic day planners can all be within arms reach every day as they are conviniently designed to fit perfectly into any handbag or back pocket. As you can see IT has most definitely become a big part of almost every persons daily life.
The IT devices or systems I feel comfortable using are as follows:
- Cell phones
- Internet explorer and Firefox
- Ipod touch
- Computer programs such as microsoft word, Itunes, media player, etc.
An example of IT being used in Occupational Therapy practice is the use of IT to enhance communication skills such as a Dynavox. A dynavox is an augmented communicator. The device displays concrete scenes and symbols that represent ideas and objects which are then spoken aloud through the speakers once the user has touched the screen. Here is an example of a dynavox being used...
Some of the ehical issues that arise when adopting IT systems and tools into practice are things such as privacy issues, having an up-to-date knowledge about the IT being used, skills, and of course the safety of the client is our number one priority.
Intellectual Property - this is the physical expressions of ideas and the creations of the mind that are contained in books, music, plays, movies, news presentations and computer software. Intellectual property may be the idea that the person who thought of it has ownership over, or in some cases if they are working for a company for example, the company may own the idea as the worker is paid to think up these ideas.
Social Justice - this is the application of equal rights for those in society made available by the law on a social scale.
Informed Consent - this is a term often used in law that indicates that a person gives consent for a piece of material personal to them to be used by others.
Informed consent (2011). Retrieved March 22, 2011 from
Social justice (2011). Retrieved March 22, 2011 from
What is intellectual property? (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2011 from
Information Technology (IT) is "the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information" (wordnet search). In other words, the inteligence that links the world to one another.
Technology is all around us in the year 2011. Student's watch lectures online with an audio file to listen to. People can do all their weekly grocery shopping online and have in delivered to their homes withtin the hour. Cellphones, ipods, electronic day planners can all be within arms reach every day as they are conviniently designed to fit perfectly into any handbag or back pocket. As you can see IT has most definitely become a big part of almost every persons daily life.
The IT devices or systems I feel comfortable using are as follows:
- Cell phones
- Internet explorer and Firefox
- Ipod touch
- Computer programs such as microsoft word, Itunes, media player, etc.
An example of IT being used in Occupational Therapy practice is the use of IT to enhance communication skills such as a Dynavox. A dynavox is an augmented communicator. The device displays concrete scenes and symbols that represent ideas and objects which are then spoken aloud through the speakers once the user has touched the screen. Here is an example of a dynavox being used...
Some of the ehical issues that arise when adopting IT systems and tools into practice are things such as privacy issues, having an up-to-date knowledge about the IT being used, skills, and of course the safety of the client is our number one priority.
Intellectual Property - this is the physical expressions of ideas and the creations of the mind that are contained in books, music, plays, movies, news presentations and computer software. Intellectual property may be the idea that the person who thought of it has ownership over, or in some cases if they are working for a company for example, the company may own the idea as the worker is paid to think up these ideas.
Social Justice - this is the application of equal rights for those in society made available by the law on a social scale.
Informed Consent - this is a term often used in law that indicates that a person gives consent for a piece of material personal to them to be used by others.
Informed consent (2011). Retrieved March 22, 2011 from
Social justice (2011). Retrieved March 22, 2011 from
What is intellectual property? (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2011 from
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